Developers Infotech - A complete Digital solution.

Developers Infotech Privacy Policy

Our privacy policy clarifies how we collect the information from the visitors, what happens to the data stored by us that you provide, and how we process that information.

eSearch Logix Technologies Pvt. Ltd. is fully committed in safeguarding and protecting the privacy of the website visitors. We respect your privacy and it is our responsibility to safeguard any personal and private information that we collect of our visitors. Thereby, we have developed this privacy policy for you to understand how your personal information is collected, processed, communicated and used by eSearch Logix Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

How We Collect the Information?

  • We collect your personal information only through lawful and fair means, wherever it is appropriate.
  • We collect private and personal information (like name, email address and some other certain details) when you communicate with us through different communication channels seeking service assistance or have any related query.
  • Information that you may provide voluntarily when purchasing a service, seeking consultation or when you register for any information.
  • We may collect information about your use of the website, including pages you visited, resources you accessed; which includes location, traffic and communication data.

Why We Collect the Information?

  • We collect and use personal data for a number of reasons that include
  • To render comprehensive and suitable service to you which you sign up for or were seeking from us.
  • To personalize our website and services specific to what precisely benefits you, and how our resources and webpages can help provide meaningful solution to the visitors.
  • We collect information with an objective of fulfilling purposes specified by us and for other such compatible purpose, unless the consent of the individual or specified law requires any change.
  • We may collect information to carry out marketing analysis.
  • To carry out an in-depth analysis of the website and the app and ensure that site’s and apps’ performance is up to the mark, and also understand how users use them.
  • To ensure that the site and app is functioning safe and secured, and to implement better security and fraud prevention measures whenever necessary.

How the Collected Information is Used?

  • The information we collect is only used in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations.
  • The personal information collected is fully protected against any loss or theft, unauthorized access, copying use, modification and disclosure by implementing comprehensive and most befitting security safeguard measures.
  • We use and retain personal information of the visitors only when it is needed for the fulfillment of the purpose.
  • We use the information collected to provide solution, service and information that you request.
  • To provide information regarding additional information that may be of benefit to you; which is provided only after you have consented to receiving such information.
  • We use your information to process transactions.
  • The collected information is used to enhance the functioning and performance of the website based on your use.
  • The information collected helps to gather data so we can notify you of any changes done in our services provided, as well as website structure and customer service.
  • The information is also collected to help us fully administer any promotional work, contest, survey or any other website feature.

Our Privacy Policy Parameter

Safety of Personal Information

Your private as well as public information is not sold, transferred, exchanged and provided to any other person or entity, for any reason whatsoever, until and unless you consent to do that.

Personal Data Storage

Once we receive your personal information and data, we implement all the needful security and safety measures to protect that data and store it safely. However, as the electronic world is not fully secured, when you are sending us your personal data, it can be intercepted before reaching us. Therefore, when you are providing your personal information, it is done entire at your own risk.

Information Disclosure

As we are fully determined to safeguard your personal information, we won’t disclose any of your information to anyone, other than in accordance with this privacy policy, and during the below mentioned instances:

  • If the law authority regulates us to legally provide the information
  • If it is needed to reduce the risk of any fraudulent activity
  • If we are selling a part or all of the business to a third party

Occasionally we may include links to third parties on our website. But it doesn’t me we endorsing their policies. So, you are requested to go through their visitor privacy policy before you send any personal information to them.

We also make use of temporary cookies that helps in site visit continuity, navigation while also facilitating use of the services.

Any changes to your personal information, including update, modification, and deletion will be done only on your written request.

By using the website you consent to our privacy policy.